"D" puppies were born on 4th of June 2021 !:) Our Amadea gave birth to 3 strong boys and one beautiful girl, so proud parents are Amadea Melodie Red Sunset ( more info about Amadea :Amadea Melodie Red Sunset :: Red Sunset kennel (redsunsetpyrenees.com) and Foor Coudy From Pyrlandia.(HD A,ED 0/0,PL 0/0,OCD free,DM N/N (non-affected),CMR1 N/N (non-affected)DNA profile,79cm, 62kg,SK JCH, CZ JCH, SK PUPPYCH, Junior BIG FCI II6xBOB, 1xBOS, 2xCACIB, 3xCAC, 3xBOJ, 5xCAJC).
We are a kennel with internationally protected name Red Sunset.
Why Pyrenean Mountain Dog?
A little child´s desire for a huge white
shepherd dog came true, although in adulthood.
My husband made my dream come true on my birthday when he "offered" me a
small Pyrenean "ball". That furry "ball"
is called Einstein and he is not so small in a long time :-) A couple of years
have passed since then.
Over time, a small Dutchwoman named Niki was added to our family and after that, so was her father - American teddy bear Boogie. Pyrenean mountain dogs have perhaps always been a part of us . Our pack doesn´t only consist of them but in great measure, of yorkshire terrier called Sunny and chihuahua called Fleur.
Indeed, this old French breed indefinitely stole not only mine, but also other family member´s hearts with his nice, uncomplicated and good-hearted nature on one hand, and with his stubbornness,kindness or keen commitment, good looks as well as good heart, incredible acts,which perhaps only they can perform ..., on the other hand.
Pyrenean Mountain Dog is a breed, which has been used to protect herds against wolves and bears. Each Pyrenean mountain dog is proud and majestic guardian whether he protects the herd or his family. These amazing dogs went down in history as shepherds and guardians of large herds, smugglers, postmen, actors !:), they lived on farms but also on courts. They are all-round dogs...this is especially true when a muddy ball comes in and falls on a sofa after exhausting work when making a new trench :-)
Of course, our Red Sunset team consists not only of our dogs, rabbit Bunny and two turtles, three cats, three cavias but also of human
members of our family. All of this was a childish dream of Adriana Valentovičová. It came true thanks to my husband Marián, who let me talk him into another furry family member and further long way...and last but not least,
tirelessly and in their own way, our two children Richard and Rebeka help us with our furry friends :-)
We are members of: Slovakia Moloss club
Klub Pyrenejských Plemen (Pyrenean Breed club) (CZ)